Friday, November 30, 2012

Giving is Contagious~

This Post is from Katie Greenway.....

I have been so inspired by this giving challenge that we have been doing, the joy and excitement of it has been contagious. To see how it has grown, and how fast it's spreading is such a testament to the love of Christ.. We are challenged in the Bible to give. To give: Generously, without hesitation, without an end, and without thought to our own selves... This Challenge has been cool to see what that looks like.. we have looked forward to giving, taken excitement out of it, set aside much thought as to how, with little thought of how much. 

Giving has always been a huge part of my heart.. I was raised in a family passionate for giving.  God constantly challenges us throughout the Bible to not hold onto to anything too strongly, or to place its importance above Him.... He's called us to give it up for Him... now maybe this doesn't mean literally selling everything we have right now.... but to me; living with the mindset that nothing I have is my own, and I should not try to hold onto it if there is even the slightest chance that it's value to me could detract from my full surrender to Christ.... 

This Challenge has already been growing me so much and filled me with the excitement of getting to be apart of blessing someone I wanted to be able to share that with my friends. What a sweet opportunity to be given the opportunity to give... So I wanted to see what damage I could do... 

My goal: to inspire others to give with me, and for them to encourage others to give.
I started with my roommates.. I called a meeting, and out of my own bank account (not my giving funds) I gave each of them $30, for 30 days (I couldn't afford much more since there are 5 of them!) Their assignment was to give it all away before Christmas, and they had to encourage at least 1 other person to give. I explained to them that my family was trying to give in more ways than just money ~also in time, talent and heart... My roommates have already been a buzz about it, strategizing last night how we can serve one of our friends, how we could reach out to the neighbors, how they were going to give with the money, and how they were going to keep the chain of giving going. 

Last night at my Cell group of 9th grade girls that I lead I had the opportunity to talk about the giving with my Co-leaders. After discussing some of the needs in our cell group, they too went home inspired and said they wanted to also join in this infectious giving.. and decided next week we would challenge our junior high girls to look for ways to be giving... 

I am so excited to see how as we encourage each other to give. The light of Christ is clearly being shown to those we choose to reach out to.... 

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