Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jamie & Bob's Story

Jamie & Bob's Story for the 1 Timothy 6:18 Project ~~

When we were thinking about what to do with the money, we decided to give the majority of it to a boy who is 15 but functions at a 5/6 year old level.  He has a mental disablility. He runs away from home alot and the parents are not that involved with him. As a police officer, my husband has had to get involved several times. One of the girls I work with is married to a guy that is his caregiver. She was telling me about his family and how sad it is, that they just ignore him and just try to fix him with medication. Very rarely does he receive anything new or gifts, much less anything else, even from his own family. I feel so bad for him. His family never has him for the holidays.  My friend and her husband took him in for Thanksgiving and will probably do the same at Christmas as his parents are too busy living their 'normal' life. We bought him some fleece pants and a very warm hoodie (since he runs away, at least maybe he can stay somewhat warm). We also got him some activity books and games that he can play with his caregiver. We didn't want to give them to him personally, but the caregiver said it might be best if we did. I thought about wrapping them up and putting them on his front porch on Christmas morning and saying they are from Santa (but not sure if he will get them if we do that).... Still thinking about the best way to give them to him. 

We used the rest of the money to buy groceries for an elderly couple who are struggling. They don't even know how they are going to pay their electric bill. They have worked their entire lives and now are disabled, in bad health, and supporting some of their young grandchildren, and just don't have much left at the end of the month. Our entire office got together and bought food for them.  We ended up with hopefully enough food to get them through the winter. 

What a great way to help! 
I am so thankful for this opportunity to pay it forward to help people that are in need!

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